September 15, 2007


Today isnt all that good of a day. In ways its a good one and a bad one. We took Emmy to the ER at Childrens Mercy this morning. Needless to say we are still here. We I mean Em and I. Rich went home. After a trip to the North Kansas City Hospital ER on Thursday night, this is our second ER. Too many for me. Anyways they found out why she isnt eating and why she hasnt been feeling good. The reason is she is dehidrated. LOL you would think the pediatrician would have seen that one and if not them then at least the other Docs at the nkch ER. Nope had to come all the way down here to find out. That is okay cus everyone down here are really nice. Emmy is feeling better already. She has an IV in her ankle and two bruises on the back of her hands. They tried for a blood vesle on the hands and couldnt make it work. Anyway, I thought I would let you all know and write this all down so I would know and remember it later on. Night

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