September 4, 2007

This is my beautiful little girl! She is now 11 months old. Her daddy and I are already trying to plan her first birthday. We are both very excited.

She is a handful let me tell you. Today we picked up the house and tried to vaccume the whole house. That didnt work very well. First she was majorly afraid of the vaccume. Then it was time to play with it and see if we could sit on it. All in all we got the house work (mostly) done. We had a grand ol time doing it.

Finally it was time for some fun outside. We went out and played in the sprinkler. She laughed and giggled the whole time. Of course she wanted her mom to get wet so what did she do? She held my hand and pulled me through the sprinkler with her.

After getting her mommy completely drenched it was time to go eat and take a nap.

Right now she is hating to eat. I cant seem to find anything that she likes to eat. I have tried everything! Today we tried a verioty of things. First it was her favorite, sweet potatoes and pears. But no she didnt want anything to do with them. I dont have a clue what to do about it. The doctor already says she is under weight though she is above average in her height and she is developing great.

After I finally got her to eat alittle I went outside and sat on the porch and applied for some diffrent jobs. Right now I am desprately looking for another job. Its not nessacaraly that I need one but that I want one. I am not one to stay in one place. I want to go out and go go go. I love being around diffrent people and having fun.
I know its only around 10 here but I think I'm going to call it an early night and get some good old fashioned....on my gosh I forgot that word!!......oh wait its calls SLEEP! LOL

1 comment:

dmmgmfm said...

well i tried to leave a comment before, so here it is again.

I am so glad you are blogging, it will be fun to see what is going on in your life this way.

Love you.