December 10, 2007

Long Time

It has been along time since the last time that I wrote on here. Alot has happened since then. Its about time for Christmas and I have been running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. LOL Emmy has grown alot! This is going to be her second Christmas and I cant beleive it. We are in our own house with our own Christmas Tree and everything. We dont have all that many orniments or decorations but I know that takes time to collect these items. Not to mention I have no place to set them out on. I have most of our Christmas shopping done other than a couple items. I am actually not supposed to know all this but I'm kinda disappointed to know what I am getting for Christmas. I actually need some clothes and instead I am getting some jewlery. I love them but I guess I am dissappointed because I now know what I'm getting and that its gold. I hate gold on me, it doesnt look good and I dont like it. But I know my husband took some time to pick it out so I will wear them all the time. I am still looking for a job. I am trying to find a night job so that I can work and stay at home with Em at the same time. I think that I will go next door and ask our neighbor for her reccomendation. She has told me before that she could get me hired on and now I think that I will take her up on her offer. It will be working a night shift. I had to quit the job that I had before because Rich couldn't be home in time for me to be to work. Anyway now on to the new things that are going on that are fun. Emmy has gone out for the first time and played in the snow. We had a great time. She rolled around in the snow. I actually have a home video of it but I dont know how to up load it on here. Her daddy and I took her out again and her dad pulled her around in her sled. She giggled and laughed the whole time once she got used to the sled and everything else. She is having a blast playing with the snow and the ornements on the tree. LOL We still have to go and pick out some more toys for her but we dont have then money right now so that is going to have to wait. I am hoping that there are alot of really good sells going on here soon so that I can get her the things I want for her. I know she needs some more clothes so that is going to be the number one item on my list. I am also trying new recipies for supper. I really dont know how to cook. I love baking but that is it. Anyway my little girl is awake and I'm gonna go play with her.

October 7, 2007

Emmys 1!!!

Today Emmy turned One!! We had a big party to celebrate. She has gotten more presents and more toys than I know where to put. LOL Both sets of her Grandparents showed up. Her Aunt Amy, Daren, and Cousin Joslyn....Dave, Sheri, Matte, Jeremy, and Becca.....Tony (Rich's friend).....Jackie, Lacey and her new boyfriend (Jackie is my dad's cousin we are all really least to get together and we like to spend time together)...Uncle Riley. It seemed to be alot more people in our small house. We started to unwrap Em's presents out front of the house and it started to rain. Luckily we were under the tree when it started so we had some time to go ahead and unwrap them. Then the rain got to be too much, so we all had to go inside. She has alot more clothes now also. Karen got Emmy some new bibs and they are adorable!! My parents got her a leap pad thing that grows with her that I had asked for. LOL...I really cant name all the presents as it would take forever and would be a bore to read about. She was so happy today. She had everyone around her that loves her. (at least in KC area) She didnt really make a mess of the cake like I thought she would but oh well less to clean. All in all it was a great day. Karen cleaned my kitchen for me! She is such a sweetheart. I really like her. I'm glad that she is my mother in law and that we get along so well. Anyways I'm gonna go and see about waking up alittle girl.


This water fall is called Bridal Veil Falls. If you cant already see the reason why. LOL It was a 2/3 mile walk down a steep incline. But we both had fun going down and going back up. Em even had fun.
This waterfall is called HorseTail Falls. We pulled over and took some pics of it. The fall wasnt all that far away from the side of the road so we didnt have to go hiking to see it.

This beautiful water fall is called Mamoth Water Fall. Its beautiful. We didnt go up on the bridge but we almost did. Next time I go out I'm gonna go up on the bridge. My Grandpa made this trip with us. As you can tell Emmy really loves her Great Grandparents. She loves to pull on her Great Grandpa's "LEASH"!! He is the perfet billboard of why NOT TO EVER SMOKE!!!

I cant remember the name of this water fall. Grandma, Em and I hiked down to take some pics. Em and I even stood near the falls and my pants got wet. LOL

This is one of my favorite pictures. This one is of Bridal Falls. I even climbed out on the rock so my Grandma could take a pic of me out there. Needless to say I'm glad I can climb. LOL
This waterfall was taken on our way up to Mt. Hood. It was on the side of the road and I thought it was beautiful. Needless to say my Grandma was kind enough to pull over so I could snap a couple pictures of it.

These are just some of the pictures that we took at the diffrent waterfalls. We took alot more pictures than these but these are the only ones that I'm gonna post. If you want to see more please let me know. I have alot more pictures to put up but these are just the waterfalls.
Em and I had a blast out there. I really cant wait to go out there again. Maybe this time I will surprise them and not let them know when I'm comming. Even though that would make it hard for my Grandma to get off work. Decisions Decisions...LOL

October 4, 2007


Our vacation was awsome! This is one of the many falls we went and saw at Mt. Hood. It was a tiny one but it was really cool looking. I had to take lots of pictures of all the falls and everything else! My grandparents spoiled both of us soo bad. I actually know what sleeping in is again. LOL Em and I spent 8 days with my grandparents. My grandmother dooted on my daughter. She even taught her how to nod her head yes. They had more fun. It was fun to see my Grandma crawling on the floor chasing my daughter! Em had more fun there than I have seen in along time.

This is my Grandma and Em playing the organ. My grandma plays it ever third time at church. My grandpa on the other hand had a great time with Em. She made him laugh alot. I dont think he has really been doing all that well. I know a couple of times out there he didnt go with us cus he didnt feel good. It worries me to see him in the shape that he is in.

This is a picture of all three of them at a house. I would tell you the name but as I'm bad with names I cant seem to remember it. We went everywhere that we could in the alotted time that I had out there. It was so much fun. We went up to Mt. Hood and played in the snow. Then we went up the gorge to see all the waterfalls. I have some really good pictures of them. We went to a park nearby that Em met some friends at. And of course we went to the ocean!

I also got to see my cousins. I cant beleive that they are as old as they are. LOL time flys when your not around people that much. Nichole is now driving. Both of my cousins adored Em. Erika fed Em alot. They both made her a paper tiara. LOL My uncle Steven took me out to wine taste. It was kool even though I only found two wines I really liked.
Anyways I think that is all that I can do for now. I will have to write more about it later and post more pics. Maybe even video or something. LOL laterz

September 20, 2007

Kinda Busy

Even though I know no one is reading this. I'm letting anyone know that this is going to be my last post for about a week. Unless I can get online at my Grandparents house in Portland. Em and I are headed outh there on Tuesday. In the meantime I have to pack and go shopping to make sure I have everything for both of us. And find a Daycare center. As I just got hired! I'm happy about it but not to thrilled. The job is one based on comminsions. I was hoping to find one where its and hourly rate. Anyway I need to go maybe I will write later, but probably not.

September 16, 2007

Happy Endings to a LONG weekend.

This weekend seemed to drag on with out a good sign. Then as all hope was disapearing a ray of sunshine began to shine! Emmy was taken to the Childrens Mercy Hospital in KC. After poking the back of both of her hands, the doctors finally found a blood vessel that worked. It was in her ankle. OUCH! I had to leave the room while they did the blood work and trying to find one to begin with. I couldnt take it and I was making her cry worse. They found out she was majorly dehidrated. As my earlier post said. I still dont understand why her pediatricans didnt find this or the other ER we went to. It makes me so mad to know she wasnt feeling good and it was a simple blood test that told us what was going on. As you can see she is a happy girl in this pic. They even have little gowns for her. She has stoped throwing up and she is much happier! Today she was released at 3:30pm. I spend the night with her. I got no sleep what so ever. Needless to say when daddy and grandma got there I went home to chatch a couple ZZZ's. When we got home she was still hungry after eating alot at the hospital. I am not going to complain about that! Her aunt and cousin came by to pick up grandma and they had a great time playing. She is sleeping as I type. Its just such a releife to know she is going to be okay and that she is going to be a heathy beautiful little girl!!

September 15, 2007


Today isnt all that good of a day. In ways its a good one and a bad one. We took Emmy to the ER at Childrens Mercy this morning. Needless to say we are still here. We I mean Em and I. Rich went home. After a trip to the North Kansas City Hospital ER on Thursday night, this is our second ER. Too many for me. Anyways they found out why she isnt eating and why she hasnt been feeling good. The reason is she is dehidrated. LOL you would think the pediatrician would have seen that one and if not them then at least the other Docs at the nkch ER. Nope had to come all the way down here to find out. That is okay cus everyone down here are really nice. Emmy is feeling better already. She has an IV in her ankle and two bruises on the back of her hands. They tried for a blood vesle on the hands and couldnt make it work. Anyway, I thought I would let you all know and write this all down so I would know and remember it later on. Night

September 10, 2007

What is going on?

Its a beautiful day out and I'm mowing! LOL. My daughter loves to help her daddy mow. This is her helping. He just got done fueling it up and whats she thinks shes got to do? Shes gonna drive! I got her a fake liscense the other day. I stuck her picture in it so when her daddy askes her if she has one she can show him. This weekend was a blast. Friday night we went out and played in the yard and had a great time. Then saturday we went out in the pastures at a friends house and picked up rock for the walk way. Emmy had to taste everyone and make sure they were good ones. Lucky us she didnt choke on any of them!
Then on Sunday we played dress up before we headed out to help daddy with and install job. We even made smores! She was a complete mess! and she loved it all! We finnally got home around midnight. She was wide awake until she hit her bed and out she went like a light. I am happy to report that she is eating alittle better though not by much. Anyways its off to somewhere new for me.

September 7, 2007

Klean Kitchen Anyone?

How am I supposed to keep my kitchen clean when I have a little dolley getting everything out of my cabinets?? I finally took her to the doctor today. Come to find out she has a sore throat and a really bad diaper rash. Sorry to say it but DUH!! on the diaper rash. Anyone could have seen that from space even!! I got that stuff called Super Dooper Diaper Doo. It works wonders.(usually) This time it didnt cus she has become allergic to the diapers. I dont have a clue what to do now. We have tried all kinda of diapers and these are the best ones we have found. I guess we will just have to powder her butt each time and air her out more. All in all we finally got her to eat. We are giving her and antibiotic for the throat and a cream for her butt. She has ate more today than any other day put together. I'm so glad she is eating. Anyways I hate to give good news and bail, but its time to go out and play.

September 4, 2007

This is my beautiful little girl! She is now 11 months old. Her daddy and I are already trying to plan her first birthday. We are both very excited.

She is a handful let me tell you. Today we picked up the house and tried to vaccume the whole house. That didnt work very well. First she was majorly afraid of the vaccume. Then it was time to play with it and see if we could sit on it. All in all we got the house work (mostly) done. We had a grand ol time doing it.

Finally it was time for some fun outside. We went out and played in the sprinkler. She laughed and giggled the whole time. Of course she wanted her mom to get wet so what did she do? She held my hand and pulled me through the sprinkler with her.

After getting her mommy completely drenched it was time to go eat and take a nap.

Right now she is hating to eat. I cant seem to find anything that she likes to eat. I have tried everything! Today we tried a verioty of things. First it was her favorite, sweet potatoes and pears. But no she didnt want anything to do with them. I dont have a clue what to do about it. The doctor already says she is under weight though she is above average in her height and she is developing great.

After I finally got her to eat alittle I went outside and sat on the porch and applied for some diffrent jobs. Right now I am desprately looking for another job. Its not nessacaraly that I need one but that I want one. I am not one to stay in one place. I want to go out and go go go. I love being around diffrent people and having fun.
I know its only around 10 here but I think I'm going to call it an early night and get some good old fashioned....on my gosh I forgot that word!!......oh wait its calls SLEEP! LOL